Names of all mac operating systems
Names of all mac operating systems

#Names of all mac operating systems 32 bit

VM/ESA Virtual Machine /Extadded 32 bit addressing to VM series.VM/XA VM eXtended Architecture for System/370 with extended Virtual Memory.VM/CMS Virtual Machine / Conversational Monitor System, VM (operating system) for System/370 with Virtual Memory.SVS Single Virtual Storage (both VS1 & VS2 began as SVS systems).OS/VS2 Virtual-memory version of OS/MVT.OS/VS1 Virtual-memory version of OS/MFT.A mash up by the Federal Systems Division of the MFT system management, PCP basic kernel and file system, with MVT task management and FSD custom real time kernel extensions and error management. RTOS Real Time Operating System, run on 5 NASA custom System/360/75s.MVT Multi-Programming Variable Tasks, had up to 15 partitions defined dynamically.MFT Multi-Programming Fixed Tasks, had 15 fixed size partitions defined at boot time.PCP Primary Control Program, a kernel and a ground breaking automatic space allocating file system.OS/360 First official OS targeted for the System/360 architecture, saw customer installations of the following variations:.DOS/VSE/ESA DOS/VSE extended virtual memory support to 32 bit addresses (Extended System Architecture).DOS/360/RJE DOS/360 with a control program extension that provided for the monitoring of Remote Job Entry hardware (Card Reader & Printer) connected by dedicated phone lines.Multi-programming system with up to 3 partitions.

names of all mac operating systems

First commonly available OS for System/360 due to problems in the OS/360 Project.

names of all mac operating systems

TOS/360 Similar to BOS above and more fleeting, able to boot and run from 2x00 series tape drives.BOS/360 Early interim version of DOS/360, briefly available at a few Alpha & Beta System 360 sites.i5/OS extends OS/400 with significant interoperability features.CP/M (On C64, CP/M required a cartridge, on C128 the z80 was built in).65xx GEOS (Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 only).(OS from Microware for Motorola 6809 based microcomputers) Workbench (UI for AmigaDOS from v1.0 to v3.1).

Names of all mac operating systems