What is vectorworks viewer
What is vectorworks viewer

what is vectorworks viewer

The orbit point is chosen based on the geometry that's viewable in front of the viewer when we orbit. We do have a way to "teleport" onto a surface by clicking/touching a surface you see in your view. If you're looking for a way to select your orbit point like in Vectorworks, we do not have that functionality within the Web View. To answer your questions from a couple weeks ago: I'd love to hear your feedback for potential areas for improvements.

what is vectorworks viewer

Please let me know if you need any additional help with Presentations. Here is a comparison table that can give you more details: This account type doesn't have access to the cloud processing features and has less storage limit.


Anyone can register for a free Vectorworks account. Viewing of other shared files from Vectorworks Cloud Services may or may not require an account, depending on how you have shared the file and whether you would like them to see it in Nomad, or in a mobile or desktop browser. Viewing of a shared presentation doesn't require an account, so that makes it very easy for your client as well. Here is the Help article about this feature: Cloud Presentations are a great alternative to Web views and provide an easy way for your client to control the view. origin&rhhlterm=internal to hear that you are exploring the possibilities with Vectorworks Cloud Services. Here is an article that explains the difference between the internal origin and the user origin (0,0). Suggestions? - Exhibits Regarding the center of rotation in Orbit mode, I believe it is based on the internal origin of the. In the First Person / Walking Around Mode I am NOT able to understand how you would move up and look down? Lots of clicking the Home Button if you get lost. Shuffle / slide to one side, then walk past the intended object, (Keyboard) then reorient view, (Muse) ten shuffle / slide to the side some more, (Keyboard) again re orient the view (Mouse). It appears to require a combination of Mouse and keyboard. It is also very awkward to go around an object in the First Person / Walking Around Mode. Assume this would be great for showing "3D parts" just not for architecture.įor what ever reason, switching to the First Person / Walking Around Mode changes the Home view so that it is lower, akin to a "dogs perspective".Ĭlicking the Home Icon returns to Orbit Mode. The Orbit Mode does the job, looking around a central object, i tjust shows to much. Ie: Degrees above and below the horizontal. Would like for the client to view this as past versions of VW / RW allowed with Exported VR files.


Would like to understand how to have a specific center for the Orbit View. Assume that it would be Zero - Zero.Ĭreated a simple 3D X at "Zero - Zero" and the rotation is eccentric. The center of rotation is not as expected. In my testing, When I open the WEB View in a browser, the initial view is as expected.

What is vectorworks viewer